A 10-year anniversary for our LAF Driving Licence

Ten years ago, Holm & Halby came up with a new course in the form of the LAF Driving Licence.

Many LAF cabinets all around Denmark are used for working with potentially hazardous materials, and although a LAF cabinet can offer protection, full protection is achieved only when it is used appropriately. That is why you need a LAF Driving Licence.

A 10-year anniversary for our LAF Driving Licence

Back then, we sat down with some of our biggest customers and decided which content to include in this seminar so that afterwards an exam could be held and a certificate could be issued for proof of the skills acquired. It was important to us that the content had from the outset been aligned with our customers’ wishes so that the seminar would be recognised as credible training from the very start.

Today’s seminar content is largely the same as it was when we started in 2012, yet the test itself has been modernised, meaning that the test today takes place via VR technology also.

Since then, we have organised yet another seminar, namely the LAF Manager seminar. The curricular will still cover the daily use of cabinets, but we have added subjects such as cabinet placing, ventilation and service.

Since the first LAF Driving Licence seminar in 2012, we have held altogether 65 seminars with a total of 800 participants.

If you or one of your colleagues have not yet attended one of our LAF Driving Licence seminars, look for the next scheduled seminar at our website www.seminarplan.dk – note that you can attend the LAF Driving Licence seminar in both Copenhagen and Aarhus.


Modtag vores nyhedsbreve med nyt om leverandører, tilbud på produkter og berigende artikler samt invitationer til seminarer og uddannelse.


Phone.: +45 4326 9400

Vallensbækvej 35
DK-2605 Brøndby

INCUBA Science Park, Skejby
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 82
8200 Aarhus N

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